
Aug 2, 2019

Update from Traders Galaxy

Update from Traders Galaxy


I can only produce a single mould per day. They actually take a bit to produce both in prep before vulcanising then after prepping.

Last night I cast up just master parts for the 4 Starter Valiants without Duke and Broadsword.

This is because the print torsos are crap because the rubber gets stuck in the arm holes mainly but also because i wanted the parts later down the track.

Currently the pre assembled Atlanticans and a preassembled Broadsword are moulding. This is a bit risky and its some unknown territory. Should these not work out it will be a 1 week delay on the Starter. Fingers crossed!!

Some of the Atlanticans are right on the edge of whats good to cast. Basically angles and stuff. Bad angles could mean mould or cast failure.

The Valiants will be better as these were made to be cast partially assembled.

All going well ill prep the Valiant mould tomorrow night and it will be ready for casting preorder Starters all weekend.

Saturday night ill recast the Deceiver Turbo, rambot and fear set.

Sunday night ill cast the Phantom, ironskin, wrench, code red, Steelia set.

Monday night ill cast the Trafficstop, bandit, smokey set

Tuesday night ill do electrotyrant, dark angel, communicator, crazy, faultline, feedback sets

Wednesday night ill do the democracy sets

Thursday night ill do the locust, weevil, beetle swarm sets

Friday ill do the termite, roach, mantis, swarm sets

That should add a few more models into the mix

Traders Galaxy

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