
Aug 28, 2019

Project Update #4: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Project Update #4: Samurai-Ninja-Warrior-Monk-Ratmen Army Kickstarter from Cromarty Forge

Beautiful, highly detailed, lead free pewter and resin, rat-men army for 10mm tabletop wargaming.

Stretch Goal 3 Unlocked

Thanks so much to all of you, Especially Moises, Brent and Steve, the Palanquin is now unlocked. This little piece will carry your hero's in style!

Seriously, thanks for all the support, for letting people know about this campaign and for getting the word out. If there is anywhere else you think I could be advertising this Kickstarter please let me know.



Cromarty Forge

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