
Aug 10, 2019

Project Update #32: War Across Europe 3D Print STL files, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

Project Update #32: War Across Europe 3D Print STL files, Kickstarter from WOW Buildings

WOWBuildings War Across Europe 3D Printing stl Files.

Guys i will just explain how i myself do my scaling, not sure how others do it, for me its simple a standard door...........so for 28mm scale i go 30-32mm for the door height, this allows a figure to represent 6 foot and be on a 1-2mm base, so downscaling 32 to .75% gives 24mm max for a 20mm id down 50% for a 18 at 15mm scale, 6mm is down another 50% and will give 8-10mm door height.

You can tinker a percent or two yourself to get them how you like them, but i find if a standard door is OK the rest of the building falls into place, if you look at a real building pretty much every detail can be scaled from just working off the door.

So that's one of my design secrets revealed, but to be honest  i don't talk much with other designers so they might be the same.

WOW Buildings

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