
Aug 30, 2019

Project Update #24: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Project Update #24: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hobgoblins and evil dwarf miniatures in 10mm and 28mm scales.

Hi all sorry for lack of updates.We have some good news for you. So here it is. We have been finishing up upgrading the chain mail armour for the dwarfs. Yak figured out an much nicer way of making the armour for the dwarfs. We have been upgrading it.Molds should be made over the next few weeks if all goes well and then we can start casting them up and getting orders out. We this should be much cleaner and closer looking to real mail.We do apologise for still not getting all invoices out. other stuff has taken priority and keeping things on schedule is more important than getting paid earlier. model on right is upgraded chain mail .All the best DYM

upgraded chain mail

Dancing Yak Miniatures

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