
Aug 26, 2019

New Ancient Persians from Pendraken Miniatures

As part of our ongoing revamp process for our Ancients ranges, next in line is the Achaemenid Persians!  This will be last revamped range for a short while and we'll be looking to get these moulded and released within the next couple of months hopefully, along with the Greeks, Dacians and Sarmatians.

As with most of our recent ranges, we've gone as comprehensive as possible with these so this definitely more of an expansion than a straight replacement!

Sparabara x 4 / Foot command x 3:

Sparabara x 4 / Foot command x 3

Infantry with crescent shield x 2 / Immortals x 2:

Infantry with crescent shield x 2 / Immortals x 2

Saka Haumavarga/Asiatic Hillmen x 6 + 1 Leader:

Saka Haumavarga/Asiatic Hillmen x 6 + 1 Leader

Light cavalry with javelin x 4:

Light cavalry with javelin x 4

Satrapal Guard cavalry x 4:

Satrapal Guard cavalry x 4

Guard cavalry x 4:

Guard cavalry x 4

Iranian cavalry x 5:

Iranian cavalry x 5

Arab cavalry x 4:

Arab cavalry x 4

Skythian cavalry x 5:

Skythian cavalry x 5

Scythed chariot with crew and driver / Xerxes and Cyrus chariot figures:

Scythed chariot with crew and driver / Xerxes and Cyrus chariot figures

Mounted General / Xerxes / Cyrus:

Mounted General / Xerxes / Cyrus

We've also had the shields altered on the Greeks to make them a bit bigger, thanks to Techno for the quick work on these!

Shields Altered

Shields Altered picture 1

Shields Altered picture 2

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Pendraken Miniatures

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