
Aug 30, 2019

Napoleonic French Guard Cavalry from Pendraken Miniatures

These are the two cavalry types which have already been sculpted, but never production moulded:

Guard Chasseurs a Cheval

Guard Chasseurs a Cheval

Guard Grenadiers a Cheval

Guard Grenadiers a Cheval

I'll do my best to get them sorted out asap as we've had them for quite a while now.

Some Gargoyles

As well as some Guard infantry and artillery crews.

Although I don't know how these Guard Horse crews differ to the ones we've already got on the website, there's been some debate as to what's what over the years.  Originally the website ones were Horse crew, but then we got conflicting info that they were Guard Horse, which makes these sculpts below a bit redundant...

Guard Horse artillery crews:

Guard Horse artillery crews

Old Guard foot artillery crews

Old Guard foot artillery crews

Old Guard Grenadiers

Old Guard Grenadiers

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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