
Aug 28, 2019

Announcement from Traders Galaxy


As some of you know, I have been thinking hard about the growth of Bot War as a game. Many things have been examined from club support options to tournaments etc. All of which i really want to do down the line.

However I feel the major priority is to get Bot War out there. With that in mind i see the next step is to create the starter set models in high detailed resin and wholesale these with better margins to retail stores. I am unable to produce the numbers and quality of resin figures i need by myself so i have sourced an overseas supplier. By outsourcing key model ranges it frees up more of my time for the studio. Games reports/ painting and importantly universe building.

However this has a significant cost for me to outsource manufacturing. $12k in fact. The entirety of Bot War so far has been financed by sales and my own money but I just cant finance this step.

So i need your help.

In September Bot War will be 1 year old. To celebrate I will be offering my best deals ever for Bot War. My goal is to raise $12000 in September so I can change all the starter models as well as other key models in the range to high quality resin. I think its an ambitious goal and I would appreciate your feedback on how this could be achieved.

If successful though, the way is open for Bot War to be stocked in stores in Australia, the US, Canada and the UK! Furthermore 3 large models will be released in Resin as well as the Builders and all the Bot War city scenery!

To help raise excitement I have some cool releases coming next month on preorder.

Deceivers -
Dark Angel
Mirror Warriors
Vision (exclusive)

Max Stars special teams for Democracy
Macgyver and Buffalo
Hasselhof and Nighthawk
Max Star and Freedom Eagle
Tyrone and chevy

Democracy -
Light tank
Personnel carrier
Hatchet heavy chopper

Valiants -
Cadmia (exclusive)

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As you can appreciate the work and effort required to deliver September promotions will be massive. I humbly ask that you support me in September and help move Bot War to the next level.


Traders Galaxy

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