
Jul 22, 2019

WWII Polish Range Pictures from Pendraken Miniatures

While JAD Desgns has been working on some of our vehicles, our good friend Syzmon D has been putting his brush to our full WWII Polish range!  Some of you might remember his work from our Fantasy Goblins, Hill Dwarves and Monsters, and he's done just as good a job on these!

POL1 Foot, walking/firing

POL1 Foot, walking/firing

POL2 Foot, advancing

POL2 Foot, advancing

POL3 Foot, kneeling/firing

POL3 Foot, kneeling/firing

POL4 Radio Operators (5)

POL4 Radio Operators (5)

POL5 Officers

POL5 Officers

POL6 Senior Officers

POL6 Senior Officers

POL7 wz.28 RKM LMG teams, prone (5)

POL7 wz.28 RKM LMG teams, prone (5)

POL8 KP wz.35 ‘Ur’ AT rifle teams, prone (5)

POL8 KP wz.35 ‘Ur’ AT rifle teams, prone (5)

POL9 0.3” Ckm wz.30 MMG teams (3)

POL9 0.3” Ckm wz.30 MMG teams (3)

POL10 Artillery spotter

POL10 Artillery spotter

POL11 wz.31 81mm mortar with crew (3)

POL11 wz.31 81mm mortar with crew (3)

POL12 wz.36 46mm mortar teams (5)

POL12 wz.36 46mm mortar teams (5)

POL13 Cavalry, walking

POL13 Cavalry, walking

POL14 Cavalry, charging

POL14 Cavalry, charging

POL15 Engineers, with pick and shovel

POL15 Engineers, with pick and shovel

POL16 wz.36 37mm AT gun with crew (2)

POL16 wz.36 37mm AT gun with crew (2)

POL17 wz.97 75mm field gun, pneumatic wheels, with crew

POL17 wz.97 75mm field gun, pneumatic wheels, with crew

POL18 wz.97 75mm field gun, spoked wheels, with crew

POL18 wz.97 75mm field gun, spoked wheels, with crew

POL19 TKS tankette, 7.92mm MG (2)

POL19 TKS tankette, 7.92mm MG (2)

POL20 TKS tankette, 20mm gun (2)

POL20 TKS tankette, 20mm gun (2)

POL21 7TP dw, twin 30mm turrets

POL21 7TP dw, twin 30mm turrets

POL22 7TP jw, 37mm Bofors turret

POL22 7TP jw, 37mm Bofors turret

POL23 wz.34 Armoured car

POL23 wz.34 Armoured car

POL24 wz.29 Armoured car

POL24 wz.29 Armoured car

POL25 Fiat 621 truck

POL25 Fiat 621 truck

POL26 Fiat 508 III/W, late version

POL26 Fiat 508 III/W, late version

POL27 Fiat 508 III/W, early version

POL27 Fiat 508 III/W, early version

POL28 Casualty markers

POL28 Casualty markers

POL29 wz. 1913 Schneider 105mm field gun, with crew

POL29 wz. 1913 Schneider 105mm field gun, with crew

POL-AP WWII Polish Army Pack

Thanks to Szymon!

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