
Jul 19, 2019

The Rats Ever Marching On by Nathan J Hunt‎

The Rats Ever Marching On by Nathan J Hunt‎

The rats ever marching on

The Rats Ever Marching On picture 2

Having been an avid GW model collector and painter over the years I have been a long time fan of the warhammer fantasy battle and epic space marine lines, in recent years due to space limitation in current home I stared getting more interested in epic space marines and also the 10mm warmaster version of warhammer fantasy battle.

The Rats Ever Marching On picture 3

Having collected and painted many skaven models from the warhammer range I looked at some of the mini's for warmaster on ebay and the pricing on many of these models for a no longer supported game by GW are pretty pricey esp for even small to average size army.  Also the sculpts on some of the mini's are not that detailed.  Looking at the epic space marine range and the detail that many home resin printers are able to do today it gave me the idea of why not do some new proxy units for warmaster for the Skaven faction to help folks who already have a skaven army for warmaster to fill their army out..

The Rats Ever Marching On picture 4

It was with this in mind that over the Christmas holiday of 2018 that I started modeling the first of the warmachines in proxy for the skaven faction and over the course of the next five months I worked on creating new or editing already made skaven inspired models that were uploaded to Thingverse.

The Rats Ever Marching On picture 5

Uppon releasing the first set of models to the warmaster and epic space marine community the feedback from folks that had downloaded the models and printed them and started to use them in games inspired me to continue on with the creation of the proxy unit, now today for first time the ratty skaven faction in proxy format is now fully 3d printable format.

The Rats Ever Marching On picture 6

It is my aim to inspire others in the warmaster and epic space marine community to help support the 10mm warmaster game and keep it alive by like me trying hands at creating proxy models.

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