
Jul 24, 2019

Project Update #20: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Project Update #20: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hobgoblins and evil dwarf miniatures in 10mm and 28mm scales.

Update on invoices and progress

Hi all here's the update. were sorry for the dealy.

We got all info sorted and all customizations added and double checked . We been sending invoices out. we hope to have done tomorrow or thursday latest. We apologize for the dealy. All equipment has been bought and most is in and checked to be working. We have bought 2 more printers to speed up the masters. We have made also significant progress on masters. Most custom heros have also been done and we will send pictures to backers who bought them to make sure it works by the weekend.         

The dancing yak team

Dancing Yak Miniatures

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