
Jul 5, 2019

Project Update #17: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Project Update #17: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hobgoblins and evil dwarf miniatures in 10mm and 28mm scales.

Surveys coming out today


Hi all,

We are sending out surveys today . We are giving all backers the option to add on or change what they put down. We are also giving the option to add any additional items one may want, or have the STLs printed out in your choice of 10 or 28mm scale. Pricing is below for the STLs.

Further we are continuing with discounts for items added at this point so you will still get all $5 discounts for items added now for every $150 spent. We also have many lovely 28mm dwarf and hobgoblin models on our store from Admiralty Miniatures which can be added to the order. Shipping will be a separate invoice unless backer wishes to pay now. Invoices will be sent through Wix Payments. We can offer Paypal, but as they take 3-10% we would need to charge a fee.

STLs will be sent out within the next few days. Pictures below, Please look at the Kickstater Campaign page for general pricing. Total rebate will be calculated after surveys received and applied. After rebate is applied, the difference will be deducted from shipping cost. If rebate is over shipping charge, the  difference will be refunded.

If you are one of the two people who were awarded prizes at tournaments please make sure to mention this in survey. 

We need the following info from you.

Name and shipping address
Your email
List of items you paid for already. (can swap items of equal or lower value for items already chosen please make sure to mention)
List of items you still wish to add on. (please include any items from store or printed STLs)
Whether or not you wish to be charged now for shipping or have separate invoice when items are ready 
Pricing for printing your also getting free stls for Berserker and Palanquin for home printing


Palanquin with Bearers $40

Hero with Hammer (one free to backers for extra limited edition. Will not be sold after. May be in metal depending on price) $12.50

Berserker  $10

Dwarf Broken Head Statue  $12

Dwarf Trumpet $2.50


Palanquin with Bearers  $16

Hero with Hammer (one free to backers for extra limited edition. Will not be sold after.) $4

Berserker  $2.50

Dwarf Broken Head Statue  $6

Dancing Yak Miniatures

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