
Jul 20, 2019

1809 Confederation Of The Rhine Released from Pendraken Miniatures

After a very successful Not-Kickstarter campaign to fund their design, we're very pleased to announce that our new 1809 Confederation states are now available!  Covering Hesse-Darmstadt, Saxony, Warsaw and Wurttemberg, this group rounds out our 1809 ranges nicely. 

As well as the figures we've also got flags for each state (courtesy of Tony Hughes) and we've also put together a handy starter pack for each range as well, to get you going with your new armies.

1809 Napoleonics Hesse Darmstadt

NHD1   Line/fusilier, march attack   £5.25

NHD1   Line/fusilier, march attack

NHD2   Line/fusilier, firing line   £5.25

NHD2   Line/fusilier, firing line

NHD3   Line/fusilier command   £5.25

NHD3   Line/fusilier command

NHD4   Mounted officers (5)    £1.75

NHD4   Mounted officers (5)

NHD5   Chevaux-Legers   £5.25

NHD5   Chevaux-Legers

NHD6   6pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew (3)   £5.25

NHD6   6pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew (3)

NHD7   7” Howitzers (Nap Austrian) with crew (3)   £5.25

NHD7   7” Howitzers (Nap Austrian) with crew (3)

NHD8   Limbers with team (2)   £5.25

NHD8   Limbers with team (2)

PNFL514   Hesse-Darmstadt flags   £2.50

PNFL514   Hesse-Darmstadt flags

Army Pack: 3 x NHD1.  1 x NHD2, 3, 5, 6   £33.00

1809 Napoleonics Saxony

NSA1   Line infantry, march attack   £5.25

NSA1   Line infantry, march attack

NSA2   Line infantry, firing line   £5.25

NSA2   Line infantry, firing line

NSA3   Line command   £5.25

NSA3   Line command

NSA4   Grenadiers, march attack, inc. command (16)   £2.80

NSA4   Grenadiers, march attack, inc. command (16)

NSA5   Leib Grenadiers, inc. command   £5.25

NSA5   Leib Grenadiers, inc. command

NSA6   Schutzen, march attack, inc. command (16)   £2.80

NSA6   Schutzen, march attack, inc. command (16)

NSA7   Schutzen, firing, inc. command (16)   £2.80

NSA7   Schutzen, firing, inc. command (16)

NSA8   Mounted officers (5)    £1.75

NSA8   Mounted officers (5)

NSA9   Light cavalry   £5.25

NSA9   Light cavalry

NSA10   Heavy cavalry   £5.25

NSA10   Heavy cavalry

NSA11   Hussars   £5.25

NSA11   Hussars

NSA12   6pdr guns (SYW) with crew (3)   £5.25

NSA12   6pdr guns (SYW) with crew (3)

NSA13   7” Howitzers (SYW) with crew (3)   £5.25

NSA13   7” Howitzers (SYW) with crew (3)

NSA14   Limbers with team (2)   £5.25

NSA14   Limbers with team (2)

PNFL515   Saxony flags, sheet 1   £2.50

PNFL515   Saxony flags, sheet 1

PNFL516   Saxony flags, sheet 2   £2.50

PNFL516   Saxony flags, sheet 2

Army Pack: 3 x NSA1.  1 x NSA3, 5, 9, 12   £33.00

1809 Napoleonics Duchy of Warsaw

NDW1   Line/fusiliers, march attack (czapska)   £5.25

NDW1   Line/fusiliers, march attack (czapska)

NDW2   Line/fusiliers, firing line (czapska)   £5.25

NDW2   Line/fusiliers, firing line (czapska)

NDW3   Line/fusiliers command (czapska)   £5.25

NDW3   Line/fusiliers command (czapska)

NDW4   Line Elites (Volt/Gren), march attack (16) (czapska)   £2.80

NDW4   Line Elites (Volt/Gren), march attack (16) (czapska)

NDW5   Line Elites (Volt/Gren), firing line (16) (czapska)   £2.80

NDW5   Line Elites (Volt/Gren), firing line (16) (czapska)

NDW6   Line Elites (Grenadier), march attack (16) (bearskin)   £2.80

NDW6   Line Elites (Grenadier), march attack (16) (bearskin)

NDW7   Mounted officer (5)    £1.75

NDW7   Mounted officer (5)

NDW8   Uhlans   £5.25

NDW8   Uhlans

NDW9   Uhlan Elites (8 )    £2.80

NDW9   Uhlan Elites (8 )

NDW10   6pdr (SYW) with foot crew (3)   £5.25

NDW10   6pdr (SYW) with foot crew (3)

NDW11   6pdr (SYW) with horse crew (3)   £5.25

NDW11   6pdr (SYW) with horse crew (3)

NDW12   7” Howitzer (SYW) with foot crew (3)   £5.25

NDW12   7” Howitzer (SYW) with foot crew (3)

NDW13   7” Howitzer (SYW) with horse crew (3)   £5.25

NDW13   7” Howitzer (SYW) with horse crew (3)

NDW14   Limbers with team (2)   £5.25

NDW14   Limbers with team (2)

PNFL517   Duchy of Warsaw flags   £2.50

PNFL517   Duchy of Warsaw flags

Army Pack: 3 x NDW1.  1 x NDW4, 5, 8, 10   £33.00

1809 Napoleonics Wurttemberg

NWU1   Line/fusilier, march attack   £5.25

NWU1   Line/fusilier, march attack

NWU2   Line/fusilier, firing line   £5.25

NWU2   Line/fusilier, firing line

NWU3   Line/fusilier command   £5.25

NWU3   Line/fusilier command

NWU4   Leichtes, inc. command   £5.25

NWU4   Leichtes, inc. command

NWU5   Mounted officers (5)   £1.75

NWU5   Mounted officers (5)

NWU6   Grenadiers (16)   £2.80

NWU6   Grenadiers (16)

NWU7   Jager, inc. command   £5.25

NWU7   Jager, inc. command

NWU8   Chevaux-Leger   £5.25

NWU8   Chevaux-Leger

NWU9   Jager zu Pferd   £5.25

NWU9   Jager zu Pferd

NWU10   6pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew   £5.25

NWU10   6pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew

NWU11   12pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew   £5.25

NWU11   12pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew

NWU12   7pdr Howitzers (Nap Austrian) with crew   £5.25

NWU12   7pdr Howitzers (Nap Austrian) with crew

NWU13   Limbers with team (2)   £5.25

NWU13   Limbers with team (2)

PNFL518   Wurttemberg flags   £2.50

PNFL518   Wurttemberg flags

Army Pack: 3 x NWU1, 1 x NWU3, 4, 8, 10   £33.00

We'd like to thank Forum member Zippee for all of his help with the reference material for this range, we really appreciate his input and support on this project.  Next up will be another treat for the Napoleonic gamers with a selection of casualty figures arriving in the next week or so.  After that we'll be releasing our Indian Mutiny range!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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