
Jun 13, 2019

WIP Wednesday – Commanderverse from TTCombat

WIP Wednesday – Commanderverse from TTCombat

It’s time for some sneaky WIP pictures!

Well everyone, it’s almost time – Battle for Earth is almost upon us.

A lot has been shown and talked about what’s inside the book, but today we’re going to look at two things that aren’t inside!

The first thing is an assembled Pungari Thresher. This elusive model has been in production for the last few weeks, and will be shipped out to people on Friday (if not before – some lucky people already have their Battle for Earth books in hand!).

Until then though, here’s this one!

I put this one together quickly for this photo, and gave it a simple grey spray (so you can see some of the details). This ship is pretty cool! It’s very tall!

With the amount that are being prepared for shipping, we’ve only just got this one in the office! Fin is going to be painting one up soon, so we’ll show it off when it’s done.

But what else? Another treat for WIP Wednesday today!

This is a brand new kit straight off of Dave’s work desk (seriously, he made this on Monday).

Those eagle-eyed viewers (or should is be Raven-eyed?) will see that this is a new design of an existing ship. This Titania Pattern Raven is an awesome new version of an old favourite. I know exactly where this Raven will be released, but I can’t say at the moment! Just know that there are more models coming in some interesting new kits.

That’s it from us today! Remember to pre-order your copy of Battle for Earth now, and join in with everyone else seeing the new Resistance Fleet and new Dropzone 2.0 rules! And if you want to order the Pungari Thresher, it’ll be around until the end of the week.


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