
Jun 21, 2019

Project Update #14: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Project Update #14: Infernal Chaos Dwarfs & Hobgoblins Miniatures, Kickstarter from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hobgoblins and evil dwarf miniatures in 10mm and 28mm scales.

PSA big updates Please read

PSA :  Hi we have a local gaming buddy who pledged who call me just now saying he was involved in an accident is okay but needs to use most or all of his pledge for car repairs. He has agreed to still get the same order as original in payments . Due to this we still including all stretch goals he would of unlocked. Stretch goals have been lowered, and the 11000 and 11500$ goals are now included in the $10500. so everyone still gets the same stuff including the Second free stl !!!!!!! 

Again 3 goals are now included in the $10500 goal !!!!!

Goals unlocked as we stand

$10,000 Hobgoblin Sergeant added for $8, or free with infantry units  (we decided it should not be a stretch goal thus added it for free on backing)  it is included in the 10mm and 28mm infinity packs  free of charge

$10,250 Add one hat type for hobgoblins one pose (both in 10 and 28mm)

$10,500 Add two  weapon variants two hats and a shield type among units. (both in 10 and 28mm)

In addition (Add one hat option and one pose, (both 10 and 28mm)

Added detail to rocket launcher  for (only 28mm.)

And a free second free printable STL file for all backers w/ option to have us print at cost if you don't have a printer. (both in 10 and 28mm)

Dancing Yak Miniatures

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