
Jun 3, 2019

Pirates Released from Pendraken Miniatures

After a busy start to the year with BKC-IV, Kickstarters and more, it's finally time for some proper new releases!

Pirates have been in our Top 10 requests for quite some time now so we've decided to give them a go.  We've done a nice captain figure, along with 5 different poses of pirates armed with musket, pistol and cutlass.  These chaps would also do duty as slave revolt / mutiny types in areas like the Haitain Revolution, so we hope you like them!

18th Century Pirates

PRT1    Pirate Captain      £0.55

PRT1    Pirate Captain

PRT2    Pirates / slave revolters      £5.25

PRT2    Pirates / slave revolters

More to come very soon with some Marlburian revamps and then the launch of our 1809 Napoleonic expansion, once all of the pre-orders have been posted out.

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Pendraken Miniatures

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