
Jun 1, 2019

New Dropzone Website, and More from TTCombat

EAA Columbus Walker

EAA Columbus Walker

Our first event miniature (it’s not really that mini though) is the EAA Columbus Walker. These were left abandoned when the Scourge took over but have since been brought back into service with the reconquest of Earth. They can be built with either a flamethrower or anti-air turret and are available for UCM, PHR, or Resistance forces.

Pungari Thresher

Pungari Thresher

Anyone that plays Shaltari knows that when it comes to Pungari, quantity is their main quality. They take this way of thinking and apply it with gusto in Dropfleet. The Thresher lacks most of the traditional weaponry seen on ships of other species and instead relies on boarding torpedoes and bulk landers. The Pungari Thresher is able to be taken in any fleet but gets some nifty defensive upgrades when included in a Shaltari fleet.

New Website!

Now that attendees at UK Games Expo are able to get their hands on Battle For Earth we thought we had better release the new Dropzone Commander website. It’s still a little rough around the edges but you can find it at (we’re still working on the .com, so make sure to use .co.uk for now). We’ll be improving both the website and our next topic over the coming weeks.

Army Builder

Army Builder

Our army builder web app is now live! Well, more accurately it’s in public beta. We’ll have a post about how to make the most out of this web app at a later date, but for now feel free to make up new lists using the new rules. It even has a little error box to tell you if your list is a legal list or not, just make sure to set the points you’ll be playing to make use of this feature.


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