
Jun 27, 2019

MicroMark Army List Requests from Pendraken Miniatures

MicroMark Army List Requests from Pendraken Miniatures

We've partnered up with MicroMark to provide Blitzkrieg Commander IV specific army lists for historical units.

We're pleased to announce the release of BKC-IV specific army lists for historical units!  Produced by Mark Bevis, author of the MicroMark organisation charts collection, Mark is willing to offer his experience and considerable database as a professional army list writer to write BKC-IV specific lists for named and numbered units at set dates.

These lists are fully endorsed by Pendraken and will be a great asset for the BKC players.  They will be available as pdf downloads through Wargames Vault.

The main advantage of using the Wargames Vault is that customers can access their downloads anywhere on their electronic devices, and receive free updates if a list is amended or corrected.  That is free updates for ever.  So if any points values are refined, or stats altered, customers will get the updates as they are written.

We've added an extracted sample list to give you an idea of what Mark will be producing, which can be found here:  This sample has no corps and army support units and is missing some divisional flak units, so the numbered notes have been changed accordingly.  Where possible full lists will contain known or typical corps support units that might be available to support that division, such as heavy artillery, heavy anti-tank and AA, flamethrower units, independent heavy tank battalions, and so on.

We'd like the focus of these lists to be customer driven so if there's a particular division, regiment or brigade you wish to see a BKC-IV list for, at a particular time frame or battle, then please us know in the new requests thread here or contact Mark direct on sultanbev@googlemail.com

And as will happen, if you see an error in a list, or have additional information, then citing references, feel free to contact Mark directly.  We all have to accept that there will be errors, as we are dealing with events 75 years ago with only written records and photos to go off, and no one person can read every single regimental war diary, memoirs, foreign language text book, view every photo, buy every TOE book out there. But we are pretty sure that with each list written you are better informed than before you bought it!  The beauty of the pdf format at the Wargames Vault is that any errors corrected or new data added will reach customers very soon, and much sooner than any hard copy book format could manage.

As always, if there's any queries let us know!

Wargame Vault
Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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