
Jun 11, 2019

Atlantican Air Warriors from Traders Galaxy

Atlantican Air Warriors consider themselves an elite class. They view other aspects of the Atlantican war machine as beneath them. This leads to some abrasiveness between them and the mud warriors. Only Omen’s towering form is given the respect he deserves even though Omen is a Mud Warrior too.

Of all the air warriors only Stingray is uncertain of the Atlantican cause. Although he hides it well he secret hopes to defect and join the Valiant ranks.

Atlantican Air Warriors

Atlantican Air Warriors picture 1

Atlantican Air Warriors picture 2

Atlantican Air Warriors picture 3

Atlantican Air Warriors picture 4

Hydro - master of blades
Nekton - the cruel
Moray - the merciless
Stingray - the firstborn

Traders Galaxy

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