
May 14, 2019

Update On Our 1809 project from Pendraken Miniatures

Update On Our 1809 project from Pendraken Miniatures

Just to update everyone on our 1809 project, things have been a little delayed with getting BKC-IV released but we're almost there now. Most of the moulding is done and we started production on the figures last week. All being well we'll be ready to ship everything out to you before the end of the month. We'll be in touch with all of the backers about the 2nd payment invoices very soon.

Master mould - DONE
Production moulds - DONE
Production casting - DONE

Master mould - DONE
Production moulds - DONE
Production casting - To be done.

Duchy of Warsaw
Master mould - DONE
Production moulds - Only cavalry and limbers left to be done.
Production casting - To be done.

Master mould - DONE
Production moulds - Only cavalry and limbers left to be done.
Production casting - To be done.

Pendraken Miniatures

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