
May 2, 2019

Ok What a Month from Traders Galaxy

Ok what a month!

April is over and Traders Galaxy/Bot War is ready to roll on to an exciting remainder of 2019.

What a journey so far.

I am really excited for the future with some truly cool models. The shackles are off so to speak.

For example: check out this early concept for the Queen. The Infester Tyrant representing famine. Standing at about the height of Omen she is very scary in close (check out her card). Managing her resources will be tough though because she is fuelled by hatred.



Also, some of you would have noticed another new entry on the Infesters beta cards. Swarms replace clones. Although for those that have them, clones can still be used on a 60mm base to represent the Swarms.

Swarms will be bug like and not robot like. I always wanted to do this as I feel it helps capture the nature of the Infesters faction better.

Traders Galaxy

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