
May 9, 2019

3D Printable Roman Fort, Kickstarter from Printable Terrain

Modular 3d printable Roman fort

Welcome to my first Kickstarter project!

I chose to start with a subject I particularly like a Roman Fort (or marching camp) that was built by legionnaires after each day's march. It could be used for one night only or could serve a a base of operations, and would then have more sophisticated defences.

It is designed for 10mm/12mm figure but can be scale up to fit 15mm figures. And, what was not foreseen, it can also be scaled down to protect your 6mm legions! They can be used in wargames or dioramas. They could also be a great way to display your armies between battles.

Each of the pledge will provides you more options to create more diversified fortifications. They will be delivered as STL files that you can print on your 3D printer.  The pledge rewards are not physical goods.

If you don't own a 3D printer, I'll also be issuing commercial licenses so you'll be able to find someone willing to print your roman fort for you.

If you have questions, suggestions, comment do not hesitate to share them with me  and I’ll do my best to answer them.  Your support is much appreciated and if you share this project with your friends you help to reach my goals, but you also help all the backers by allowing more stretch goals to be reached! So a big thank you for supporting  this project, whatever your pledge will be.  I just hope you will enjoy playing with this roman fort as much as I enjoyed designing it.

You can find more details on scale, cost of print... in the FAQ section and more pictures on my FB page and I will now focus on what you'll get with each pledge level.

Level 0 - Recruit

At this pledge level, you will be able to follow the project so you can be updated with latest information. You will also receive a STL file that will allow you to print a Roman Gladius (the legionary sword).

Gladius available with Recruit pledge - Level 0  (printed in 3 parts - about 7cm long when printed at 100% and assembled)

Level 1 - Legionary Veteran

With this pledge level, you'll get the gladius from Level 0 and the following fort elements:

Straight rampart
Straight rampart with stairs
Corner rampart
Door elements : right and left ramparts, bridge, closed and breached door markers
Half rampart and quarter rampart to adjust the fort size to you requirement

Elements available with Veteran pledge - Level 1

Level 2 - Optio

With this pledge level, you'll get the files from Level 0 and 1, and the following fort elements:

Corner rampart with tower posts
Inner corner rampart
Inner corner rampart with tower posts
Straight rampart with tower posts
Two floors bridge for the camp door (first floor with posts and top floor)
Two floors to use with ramparts with tower posts (first floor with posts and top floor). The top floor can be used alone)

Elements available with Optio pledge - level 2

The tower posts and the floors' bottom have small holes where you can place small metals rods (nails, pins, staple parts.....   not included) so the floors can be aligned with the posts. This is particularly useful if you do not permanently glue the floors to the posts.

Holes that allow floors to fit with the towers posts.

Possible tower designs

Level 3 - Centurion

With this pledge level, you'll get the files from Level 0, 1 and 2, and the following fort elements:

3 elements corner (with and without tower posts)
Large camp door : door rampart, moving doors, door bridge (single or double floors)
Two different designs that allows you to easily print half forts
Straight rampart with platform (4 variants)
Straight rampart double length (with and without tower posts)
Flanking rampart (with and without tower posts)
Straight rampart triple length with platform
These larger elements will allow you to quickly design impressive fortifications.

Elements available with Centurion pledge - Level 3

In order to have moving doors, you must glue the first floor on the door, then move a very small metal rod through the pierced floor, the hollow wood trunk and into the ground.

Level 3.1 - Centurion Primus Pilus

This is a pledge for early backer with a limited availability.

You will receive the same rewards as the Centurion - Level 3 pledge but with a discount.

Other Levels are for commercial licenses that give you access to all the models and that allow you too sell the models you have printed.

A survey on my Facebook page showed that about half the persons interested in the models had their own 3D printer but that the other half was looking for already printed models.

In addition to buyers you may find yourself, I will maintain a list of authorised reseller (possibly on the Kickstarter page or at least on my Facebook page) and will direct any enquiries to that list.

If you want some assistance in evaluating the opportunity, I can provide you with short business case based on a fort I sold during my testing process.

Level 4 - Legate

Commercial license for one (1) year.

Level 5 - Consul

Commercial license for two(2) years.

Level 6 - Imperator

Commercial license for three(3) years.

Level 7 - Consul for life

Commercial license with no time limit.

Stretch goals

Stretch goals will be chosen by polls on my Facebook page.  The first three have already been chosen.

First three stretch goals defined.


A special thank you to Paolo Paglianti who superbly painted my 10mm and 15mm figures, as well as the 10mm fort. He can be contacted at  paglianti(at)gmail.com .

All the PLA I used for this project is coming from  https://www.grossiste3d.com/ . I used about 6 PLA rolls to complete the project without even the smallest of problems. I did not received free supply  or discount - yet :) -, so this is my unbiased opinion.

Risks and challenges

As you can see on the various pictures the models that are part of the standard levels are already designed and tested. The corresponding STL files can be sent rapidly after the campaign has ended.
As for the stretch goals, it will all depends on the number of them that will be reached. But some of them are already designed and tested, others only partly and some are just ideas. They will be released as soon as they are available.

Even if it's my first Kickstarter project I've been dealing toy soldiers and building dioramas for 10 years, I have an declared activity and I'm VAT registered... all things that show I'm serious about my toys activities, including completing this Kickstarter project.

As it is my first project, I'm just not fully aware of the administrative delays once the Kickstarter is completed so I took a margin for the delivery of the files (so they may come earlier).

Printable Terrain

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