
Mar 4, 2019

Project Update #7: 13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

Project Update #7: 13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

To Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr! We did it folks - Kickstarter is Funded.

We did it folks - 600% funded - loads of sculpts released.

OK - stage 2 - i will be sending you a PowerPoint slide - this will have a picture of each sculpt and a code to go with each sculpt.

All you will have to do is message us you code and quantity of packs and we will get on the case.

The first 7 sculpts are all ready molded up now so if you order them you will receive your pledge super quick.

It will take a little longer to get larger pledges out though as the molds need making for them (understandably).

We are already discussing future poses - especially more English foot troops - some nice mercenary Welsh and Scotts and some mounted to go with them in case you want an army of them on their own. We will release these in a second kickstarter ASAP .

We have received (more than ever) loads of supportive comments and wants lists, so please continue to send us your ideas and we will try our up most to add these to the next kickstarter.

We will also send every backer Jason's Rule-set Arrowstorm for you ll to play-test and game with - Thanks Jason for this - we are planning on doing a demo in December with 2 fully painted armies and your rule-set.


Kickstarter Funded

Thanks for all your support once again.

Apocalypse Miniatures


  1. Fantastic work mr apocolypse - I've supported the ks and look forward to the figures :-)
