
Mar 14, 2019

Project Update #6: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #6: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Another Demon character is revealed and clarification of P&P.

Welcome to the Demon Lord!

Demon Lord

Free in the Character pack to Demon Overlord backers subject to a  minimum £100 pledge (excluding P&P). £10 to other Demon Overlord  backers.

As for as P&P goes, I need to clarify something. Kickstarter changed the way that you design a project and asked for an estimate of P&P very early in the process. I didn't see these mentioned again until they appeared as a mandatory charge in the pledges based on your location. This has two effects.

First is makes charging actual P&P slightly more complicated, as I will have to invoice (or refund in some cases) the difference between the amount Kickstarter have charged you in advance and the actual cost of your P&P at time of shipping.

Second, and not really a problem for you guys but something to be aware of, is that the P&P would appear to now be subject to Kickstarters' fees. Should only cost me about £50 maximum but annoying never the less and something to bear in mind if you are thinking of running your own project in future. Always leave the P&P outside the Kickstarter and charge it based on actual costs at time of shipping via PayPal invoicing.

Anyway, only 38 slots for backers are left and 14 days for project to run.

Speak to you again later in the week.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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