
Mar 30, 2019

Project Update #11: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Project Update #11: Kickstarter for 10mm Demon Infantry Miniatures from Black Gate Miniatures

Thank you to each of the sixty nine backers and outline of the way forward.

"Successfully raised £6,682 with 69 backers"

Sixty nine of you believed in the 10mm Demons and so they will be brought to life.

It will take about a week for the money to be transferred from Kickstarter to my account, after that the process will be as follows.

Finish paying for the art, from Christian, for the whole Demon range, including all second phase models.

Finalise the details with Robi for the sculpting of everything included in the Kickstarter.

Wait for the sculpts to start to arrive. This will be the biggest gap in time and updates will be thin during this time. Expectation is all sculpts will be with me by the end of summer but it all depends on how quickly Robi gets to doing the sculpts.

Send out the Reward Survey to backers. You can specify what miniatures you want at this stage and any extra purchases will be settled with the PayPal invoice for the actual P&P.

Organise the provisions needed for moulding and casting.

During the Autumn, I hope to be doing the moulding and casting of all miniatures.

PayPal invoices will be sent for any extra purchases and the P&P balance. Refunds for any excess P&P charges that were included by Kickstarter will be sorted at this point. Unless you are Paul Winter :)

By the end of 2019, the packing and shipping should be completed.

So we are soon going to be entering the quite period. Rest assured that even if updates are not frequent, this will be moving on in the background.

Thanks once again for backing the project.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures

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