
Mar 19, 2019

News Update from Traders Galaxy

News Update from Traders Galaxy

There seems to be so much happening at once. So many things I want to do. This post will show how the current strategy for Bot War is progressing and what is coming up in the immediate future.

First up I would like to encourage you all to check out the new models coming through. For me, I think they capture some of the essence of 1980s cartoons while still having some freshness about them.

The website has been updated and I have planned a bit of a revamp over the next couple of weeks to make products a bit clearer.

I have changed the naming convention on the new sets.

Valiant series 2.1 means that this is the first set in the 2nd ed Bot War.

Eventually all model sets will change to this.

Hopefully I will complete Dustwind this week in my effort to have painted examples with character bios and stat lines of all sets eventually.

I have been trying to make more efficiencies in product so I can get product out much faster. I expect by July this will be pretty good.

A new starter set is definitely coming. I am working on this being a boxed set containing a very nicely packaged Atlantican Force and. Valiant force and a dice set. I am hoping it will also include an A5 printed 2nd ed rulebook!
Watch this space.

Aidan Spittles is still working on the F.A.A’s for 2nd ed. I hope he can complete these by end of this month. That is, if he stops painting models!!

April is Deceiver part one month.

I have already loaded preorders for this onto the site. 6 possible new models from one set.


as well as Blockade and a female Deceiver Basher!

I am also rushing to get Stiletto into April release dates as well.

Valiants will get a little love with Smokey, Bandit and Silverstreak coming April as well.

Electroshocks minions are getting a revamp which will include new models for Air Warriors and Electroshock. This will happen closer to June/July. However limited quantities of Guard and Drone UNITS will be available soon along with a trial stat card. Both sets contain 3 guards or drones on a single 60mm base. They hit like a Beastlords but die easier than a Bubblebot.

The future:

Many of you have seen the new Air Warriors work in progress pics. These models represent the full change of Bot War direction.

More dynamic posing, greater details, some inspiration. These will be coming out around June with a new Megatyrant! Some will also go into the new Electroshock faction.

All new Atlanticans are still definitely coming and are only delayed because of me slowing things down. 5 new bots, 2 vehicles and the first combiner!

Overlords sculpt is completed and being printed. Death Shark Units are currently being sculpted now! Gator Warriors are being sketched in concept. Overlords are definitely for players who don’t want to take things too seriously. Some awesome rules coming for these guys too.

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