
Mar 9, 2019

March Announcement from Traders Galaxy

March Announcement from Traders Galaxy

March Announcement

First off. Apologies for the poor March communication. It’s been a total mind stuff this month with the transition of models. Basically thinking I would do something clever and then totally stuffing my whole rhythm.
Anyway it’s nearly sorted and I think you will be very pleased with the sets coming out for March and April.

Some sets shown in the pics will be part of new style multisets. The possibility of making 3 models from 6+ combinations.

I have updated the website for Valiant 8 and Valiant 9 preorder. It’s a short one as these replace V2 and V4.

I hope to have V10 up there next week and maybe D9 as well. I do plan on getting painted minis for these up On the site ASAP.

Also, I have set the download rate to 3 for the rules. This way you can PC, phone and iPad it.

Aidan Spittles is working on a FAQ for the 2nd ed rules. This will eventually be available on the website as a free download.

A new sculptor has started on the first Overlord! I think they will be an awesome faction.

Traders Galaxy

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