
Mar 17, 2019

Magister Militum March News

Magister Militum March News

We hope you are enjoying browsing our new website! It looks familiar but the main difference is the speed with which it will search our 14,200 products for you, whether you are using a smartphone, tablet or pc.

Searching with the Search Box on the Home Page will give you faster results and narrow down faster with tick boxes, to get you to what you are looking for fast!

Our latest Facebook News now appears on our Home Page and you can click through from our Home page to open Facebook in a new tab and view the whole story.

We welcome your feedback on the new site.

Don't worry, your log in details and delivery information will stay the same.

Pre-ordering is even easier and has clear instructions for you. Once you are logged in - you can use your Wish List to pre-order for the next shows.

New stuff:

We have a new set of Rules in from Et Sans Resultat - Didn't Dare Do Anything, 1812 in Russia.
New Osmy Oddzial: 7YW, WWI aircraft and Vietnam river boats!
New 10mm tanks
Check them out in the 'Latest Products' tab of the Homepage
Whilst we are on the topic, Salute is just around the corner, 6th April. Please do send in your pre-orders as soon as possible!

Anything you need in quantity definitely needs be pre-ordering, plus, the following no longer fit on the van!

Hallmark ships,

CAP Aero 1:1250 aircraft & 617 Sqn.,

AIR200 and Raiden aircraft,
Battleground buildings,
GHQ buildings,
JR Miniatures,
Novus Designs,
Miniature World Maker specific codes,
Baueda bases,
15mm Baueda figures
Ósmy Oddział 3mm,
28mm ancients, animals,
Dark Sword Miniatures,
Game of Thrones
Veni Vidi Vici, Little Big Man, Beacon & GHQ, transfers/decals
and anything else you want in quantity e.g. GHQ packs or 3/10/15mm figures.
Any particular board or computer games you want - please tell us now!!

Thank you! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Magister Militum

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