
Mar 19, 2019

1809 Wurttemberg Sculpts & More from Pendraken Miniatures

The last batch of our 1809 Not-Kickstarter arrived last month but with all the work on BKC-IV and our 28mm Kickstarter, we didn't get chance to photo them for you!  We got some pics taken this past weekend though and then the sculpts have gone straight into a master mould.  We've also started on the production moulds this week, so the Hesse moulds should be done by the end of the week, Saxony next week, etc.

In other news, we received all of the flag designs from Tony Hughes a couple of weeks ago, so we'll get those formatted and off to the printers.  They look cracking as well, Tony's done an excellent job on them.

I'm not sure if we'll be able to ship any of these before Salute, but this will be our first priority once we're back from the show and we've shipped out the BKC replacements/pre-orders.  We'll send out the 2nd batch of invoices when the packages are ready to start shipping as well.


Line - 1 x Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer / Fusilier x 4:

Line - 1 x Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer / Fusilier x 4:

Grenadiers/Lights - Grenadier x 2 / Light infantry x 4 / Jagers x 2:

Grenadiers/Lights - Grenadier x 2 / Light infantry x 4 / Jagers x 2:

Chevau-Leger - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Chevau-Leger - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Jager zu Pferd - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Jager zu Pferd - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Artillery - Limber team x 2 / Artillery crew x 4:

Artillery - Limber team x 2 / Artillery crew x 4:

Civilians x 4:

Civilians x 4:

Casualties x 10 Austrian (helmet) / Bavarian / French (shako) / French (bearskin) / British (stovepipe) / British (Belgic) / Prussian / minor States (bicorne) / Austrian (grenadier) / Warsaw:

Casualties x 10 Austrian (helmet) / Bavarian / French (shako) / French (bearskin) / British (stovepipe) / British (Belgic) / Prussian / minor States (bicorne) / Austrian (grenadier) / Warsaw:

We'll update as we move through the production moulds and we'll have these all ready for you very soon!

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Pendraken Miniatures

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