
Feb 14, 2019

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 101, Apr-May 2019

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy, 101, Apr-May 2019

The latest edition of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy is also currently in production. Continuing with the (unintentional) medieval theme of this newsletter, issue 101 takes a look at the ever-popular world of the Vikings, with a special focus on battles and combat from epic and legendary sources. From Beowulf to the Battle of Maldon, this issue offers Viking fans scenarios to suit every taste. Off-topic articles include a campaign for the WWII invasion of Singapore, Robert the Bruce at Loudoun Hill, and a look at Warlord's new fantasy ruleset, appropriately titled Warlords of Erehwon.

Special Feature: Epic and legendary Viking warfare
Mark Backhouse, 'Who will save us from the savage northmen - Wargaming the Vikings'.
Matthew Unsworth, 'Wargaming the fights from Beowulf - A hero's song'.
Eoghan Kelly, 'Let him go early in the morning to Ath-Cliath - The Battle of Islandbridge'.
Ian Beal, 'The earl would no brook cowardice - The Battle of Maldon'.
Guy Bowers, 'Collecting a Viking host - Hammer of the gods'.
John Morris, 'Painting a Viking front cover - Blood eagle'.


Ian Beal, 'The Battle of Loudoun Hill, May 10, 1307 - "What's ma name?"'.
Mark Backhouse, 'Tanks versus Tiger in Normandy - Tiger trap!'.
Mark Backhouse, 'A platoon-sized campaign to defend WWII Singapore - Last stand on Opium Hill'.
Stephen Tunmore, 'Making your flags stand out - Flying the flag'.
Tony Harwood, 'Repurposing a cheap Christmas tree ornament - A Christmas store hut'.
Miniature reviews
Rick Priestely, 'This gaming life - And so it goes'.
Henry Hyde, 'Tabletop tactics - Theory into practice'.
Lord Bore-Bore, 'The irregular - Too much choice can kill!'.
Guy Bowers, 'Fantasy gaming, Warlord Games style - Let's play Warlords of Erehwon'.
Eoghan Kelly, David Davies, Chris Payne, and Guy Bowers, 'Game reviews - Thud & Blunder, The Battle of Blenheim - 1704, The Zone: The Cold War turns hot, and Rebels and Patriots'.
Book reviews
Parting shots

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy

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