
Feb 23, 2019

Visor/Wizard from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Here is the Visor/Wizard for the dwarfs this will be in 10mm and 28mm. We are working on mounts for the heroes now. More updates soon and look forward to speaking to you and being able to respond live to questions.


Visor/Wizard picture 1

Visor/Wizard picture 2

We will be doing a Q & A along with many gaming industry members. RPG Breakfast Club on march 15th and 29th on Tenkar's Tavern at 9pm EST on discord.

How do I get to The Tavern Discord? Follow these Steps:
Step 1.) Go here https://discordapp.com/download
Step 2.) Click which is best for you Windows, Mac, Android, IOS, or Linux and download it.
Step 3.) Once it has finished downloading click the + button surrounded by a dotted circle on the left hand side
Step 4.) Click the Join a Server button and copy and paste this into it https://discord.gg/GaXW2TX

Dancing Yak Miniatures

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