
Feb 12, 2019

Sculpting List for the New Achaemenid Persians from Pendraken Miniatures

Sculpting List for the New Achaemenid Persians from Pendraken Miniatures

We've confirmed the sculpting list for Phil to get cracking on revamping our Achaemenid Persians!  This lot will be worked on over the next few months and then we'll do a big release alongside the Greeks plus the Dacians/Sarmatians as well.  Thanks to mad lemmey for all of his help putting this together.

Mounted Generals – 1 pose
Foot command - Leader / musician / standard
Immortals / Guard immortals – 2 poses (spear / bow)
Sparabara with pavise – 2 poses + pavise
Sparabara with bow – 2 poses
Infantry with Crescent shield – 2 poses (short spear / bow)
Saka Haumavarga / Asiatic Hillmen   - Archers x 2 poses
                                                - Slingers x 2 poses
                                                - Javelins x 2 poses
                                                - Leader x 1
Light cavalry with javelin – 2 troopers + leader + musician
Guard cavalry – 2 troopers + leader + musician
Satrapal Guard cavalry – 2 troopers + leader + musician
Iranian cavalry – 2 troopers (axe/javelin) + leader + musician + standard
Arab cavalry – 2 troopers (spear) + leader + musician
Skythian horse archers – 2 troopers + leader
Skythian horse javelins – 2 troopers + leader
Scythed chariots – Existing chariot can be converted + Driver
Xerxes and Cyrus figures to go in Chariot
Xerxes and Cyrus – On foot

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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