
Feb 20, 2019

Project Update #4: 13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

Project Update #4: 13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

Free Rules Set - Arrowstorm

I have been contacted by a fellow gamer and friend. He has kindly donated a Free set of play-test rules that he has been designing that would work really well with our range of miniatures. All pledges regardless of pledge level will be sent a free copy of them once the kickstarter ends.

So a big thank you and shout out to Jason Cotteril-Attaway and his Arrowstorm rules set - can't wait to get our armies painted up so we can game and test them out.

Cheers buddy.

Apocalypse Miniatures

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