
Feb 16, 2019

Project Update #1: 13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

Project Update #1: 13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

That was quick, popped out to watch Alita Battle Angel at the cinema (which is in my opinion ace) and we have hit our target already - so thank you so much to all that have pledge and supported.

Its late here - so in the morning I will start adding stretch goals.

Am thinking to cover costs they will need to be every £200.

A couple of folks have questioned/pm'ed whether we will be doing more foot, so we will make the first stretch goal a foot miniature. After that mix foot and mounted between.

Thanks again for your quick support and feel free to message here or PM us with questions, wants and honest views.

Thanks again - apocminis.

Apocalypse Miniatures

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