
Feb 2, 2019

New Ancient Greeks from Pendraken Miniatures

One of our big plans for this year is to finish off the revamping and expansion of our Ancients ranges, and with the Dacians/Sarmatians all done last year, we've now moved on to the Greeks!

These will be going into the drawer with the Dacians and we'll look at doing a large Ancients release in a few months time, once the Persians have been done as well.

In this batch we've got:

Armoured Hoplites (Bronze Cuirass) x 2 / Armoured Hoplites (Linen Cuirass) x 2 / Spartan Hoplites x 2 / Psiloi Archers x 2:

Armoured Hoplites (Bronze Cuirass) x 2 / Armoured Hoplites (Linen Cuirass) x 2 / Spartan Hoplites x 2 / Psiloi Archers x 2:

Psiloi Skirmishers x 3 / Unarmoured Hoplites x 2 / Peltasts x 3:

Psiloi Skirmishers x 3 / Unarmoured Hoplites x 2 / Peltasts x 3

Thessalian Light Cav x 2 / Thessalian Hvy Cavalry x 2 / Greek Light Cavalry x 2:

Thessalian Light Cav x 2 / Thessalian Hvy Cavalry x 2 / Greek Light Cavalry x 2:

Mounted General x 1 / Command Group x 3:

Mounted General x 1 / Command Group x 3:

The sculpting list for the Persians will be going off to Phil this weekend so we'll pop up some pics of those when they arrive at Pendraken HQ next month.

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures


  1. I bought the new Thessalian Cavalry and was very disappointed. The heads are way too small and the horses are poorly sculpted. It’s a shame that Pendraken replaced their old Thessalian cavalry sculpt with this mess.

    Many problems emerge when you look closely at what’s been lost from the old line of Greeks that are no longer available for purchase. The old light infantry wearing the pilos helmet was perfect for the Spartans in the Peloponessian War. The Corinthian helmet was out of fashion with the Spartans by then and only works for the Persian War or earlier.

    And no more Macedonians? Why on earth would you buy Pendraken’s separate line of ancient Indians now? You won’t be playing any historical battles with Alexander fighting the Indians at Hydaspis.

    There are some good things I could say about the new infantry but I’m so disappointed in what’s been lost and the missed opportunities.

  2. I'm sorry you were disappointed however pendraken has fantastic customer service so I suggest you contact them with your concerns
