
Feb 19, 2019

Exciting Times for Bot War from Traders Galaxy

Exciting Times for Bot War from Traders Galaxy

Exciting times for Bot War. The second edition rules are being editing now. A host of new models are being printed for release next month. Including more Bashers down the track!

Loads of new cards including many for models not yet made. Plenty of scope for conversions!!

Loads of new cards including many for models not yet made. Plenty of scope for conversions!!



Overall the core rules are not changing. Cubes and dice dynamics remain how they are now.

Updates include additional special rules like Combat Sword, Loose circuit plus many more.

Additional game dynamics such as Transport rules. Transports will make up for the overall downgrading of infantry. However infantry become very dangerous in numbers because of Focus Fire. Plus they are cheap.

Model classifications like Infantry sections, squads and platoons. Units for larger creatures and bots. For example guard bots are now 3 to a base as a unit. They receive increased firepower and close attack but low damage and high susceptibility to blast weapons.

Air Support receives a big boost which will make air support units very scary for lightning attacks. Isolated enemy models will be particularly vulnerable. Air support is now quite different to dedicated flyers.

Also all the old scenarios are back with 3 new ones for a total of 10.


I have included a more in depth intro covering the arrival of the Bots during the first Atlantican War. Also some smaller stories to help flavour the setting for Bot War. Also some brief descriptions for each faction to give a feel for what motivates them (including overlords and trashers). These are more in depth in the intro for each card set as well. Lots of great pics and a couple of artwork pictures help give a nice theme to the rules.

I am quite pleased how the 2nd ed rules have turned out. Nice freshen up with additionals to deepen the more fringe aspects of the game.

Plus I am confident it’s print friendly now

Finally, just another heads up that several models will be replaced soon.

These are -


I suggest placing the sets that include these models on you next order to avoid disappointment. Although the new ones are also cool as too.

Traders Galaxy

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