
Feb 10, 2019

BKC-IV Update from Pendraken Miniatures

BKC-IV Update from Pendraken Miniatures

As you are all aware, we've been working on BKC-IV for some time now and the good news is that we've just sent out the Beta copy to a wider group of people for their opinion and feedback.

Once we've received all of that feedback, we can then go through it with our revision group and make any changes. All of the feedback will be taken on board, but there may be certain aspects of the rules which involve personal preference and will not be changed in the final document. Obviously spelling mistakes, layout issues, etc. will get fixed though!

We have set a deadline of SUNDAY 24th FEB for all of the feedback, which will allow us one week to go through and implement any changes needed. The file will then go off to the printers at the beginning of March so that the printers can turn it around in time for Salute.

So, it's full steam ahead for the next few weeks and we'll have BKC-IV ready for you very soon!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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