
Feb 16, 2019

13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

13th Century 10mm Baronial Wars English Army miniatures Kickstarter from Apocalypse Miniatures

Highly detailed 13th Century Baronial Wars English 10mm Medieval Wargames MIniatures, molded then cast in high quality pewter.

This project manifested itself due to a conversation I had with my son while we were visiting a couple of castles while on holiday in Northumberland with the family last year.

Our daughter had broken her arm weeks earlier and had to go for a check up to see how it was healing (kids and cart wheels on wet grass - say no more).

Me and my son were therefore on our own for the day and decided that we would go for a drive to Ford and Etal castles just north of where we were staying. Both were great to walk around but the real starting point was the small exhibition at Ford Castle where there was a tiny diorama showing the Battle of Flodden in 15mm. We chatted all day after that about the miniatures and exhibition we had seen and what we liked regarding armour, weaponry etc...

After frantically researching back at base we both agreed on making a range but the period that interested us most (and which we both agreed on looking deeper into) was the 13th century and the Baronial wars.

After plenty of discussions and debates about sculpts - armour types and poses with John Robertson (the sculptor) we agreed on the following.

5 x mounted pieces - 3 x knights and 2 x Sergeants

2 x foot pieces - 1 x archer and 1 x foot militia spearmen.

This we thought would easily allow folks to re-enactment/game and re-create most battle of that time.

Images Of The Sculpts

I know we are saying it but these really are totally amazing sculpts and yes they are 10mm - John Robertson has spent a great amount of time sourcing the correct clothing and armour and poses and he is currently  working on further sculpts to help expand the line.

10mm Archer

10mm Archer picture 1

10mm Archer picture 2

10mm Spearmen

10mm Spearmen

Mounted Sergeant with Axe

Mounted Sergeant with Axe

Mounted Sergeant Banneret

Mounted Sergeant Banneret

Knight with Lance

Knight with Lance picture 1

Knight with Lance picture 2

Knight with Sword - WIP

Knight with Sword - WIP

 Minis Per Pack

So we are going to go with...

30 foot per pack and 15 mounted - reason being in the long term we want some characters, standards etc that could be added to the base/elements/units - and you usually need just a couple of these to make your units/bases/elements up. These are usually based up as 8 per base for foot and 4 mounted pieces per base (more action and scenic style basing can have as many or as little miniatures on them as you wish though).

Add-ons / Stretch Goals

Some 10mm gamers enjoy regimented miniatures in exact same poses so that they are easily recognizable on the gaming table and/or easier/familiar to paint.

Some enjoy a variant range of minis in the army to give the battlefield a more realistic feel, it can also depend on the army or unit type.

We will be converting some of the pieces and depending on the success of the kickstarter release these as options to purchase as add-ons to your pledges. These of course could be mixed into the packs you buy or based on their own as independent units - all depends on how successful we get really.

Feedback And Direction 

As always we would love to hear from you as to poses and sculpts you would like to see produced on this kickstarter and potential projects moving forward.

I am a little nifty with scenery pieces and if interested i could make a range on relevant 10mm pieces if folks want them.

Once we have produced all the unit types and poses we think are necessary for the English during this period then we will move onto Scottish and Welsh forces next and then those horrible French types - SACRE BLUE!

Stretch Goals / Add Ons 

We will release a new miniature every £200 as this is around the amount that will help cover sculpt and molding costs. We will mix up the type of sculpts between foot and mounted types as best we can.  These packs will priced depending on your pledge level but accessible to everyone. The more you pledge therefore the more you will save.

Stretch Goals / Add Ons

Stretch Goal 1 - Crossbow

Stretch Goal 1 - Crossbow

Stretch Goal 2 - Mounted Knight Armored

Stretch Goal 2 - Mounted Knight Armored

Stretch Goal 3 - Mounted Armored Sergeant with Mace

Stretch Goal 3 - Mounted Armored Sergeant with Mace

Stretch Goal 4 - Mounted Knight Quilted Barding

Stretch Goal 4 - Mounted Knight Quilted Barding

Stretch Goal 5 - Peasants (Fodder)

Stretch Goal 5 - Peasants (Fodder)

Locked Stretch Goals

Scale Comparison Shots

Scale Comparison Shots

Risks and challenges

After our highly successful Oldhammer scenery and Pestilence 28mm miniatures projects we predict again no risks or challenges to the project other than if pledgers want to see more sculpts produced, we will need the extra time to sculpt/mold and cast them up. Everything was shipped out successfully for Oldhammer scenery and all pledgers were happy (we are still in the process of fulfilling the latter).

Our mold and resin masters were provided by the folks down at Hysterical games last year. The master and production molds will be made by Macrocosm games who have already started on them (pics in coming soon) and casting from ourselves or outsourcing if we don't get our casting machine sup and running properly and effectively. Either way we will hit our deadline.

We have put a very generous time frame on getting all pledges out (April 2019) but we foresee all pledges out within a few months of the project being completed. We have put 2 weeks on the project as we had lots of interest and folks asking to want these ASAP - the sooner it ends the sooner we can cast up and ship out.


The shipping has not been added due to the weight discrepancies on the possible amount people want. However these are 10mm - and although cast in pewter postage and packaging costs should relatively cheap in general.

We like to use Hermes and parcel Monkey ensuring items are signed for and insured at all times and you can track them at every stage.

Minimum prices are below depending on how small or large your pledge is.

Minimum approximate postage costs to:

UK - £3.00


John Robertson

Apocalypse Miniatures

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