
Jan 16, 2019

Ancient History Magazine 20, Mar-Apr 2019

Ancient History Magazine 20, Mar-Apr 2019

We just sent the latest issue of Ancient History off to the printer. In issue 20, the theme focuses on the rise and fall of the Achaemenid Empire. With articles looking at the the Achaemenids' fabulous architecture, unique approach to governance, and even the role of women in this Persian kingdom, this issue touches on many aspects of this "multitude of people".

Theme: A multitude of people: the Achaemenid empire

John Curtis, 'Introduction to an empire - Welcome to Achaemenid Persia'.
Sidney E. Dean, 'Cyrus the Great's policy of religious tolerance and benign rule - Enlightenment or calculation'.
Irene Madreiter, 'Achaemenid queens: between fact and fiction - Loving mothers, viragos, poisoners?'.
Touraj Daryaee, 'The Achaemenid commonwealth project - Holding the empire together'.
Jona Lendering, 'Why did Alexander burn Persepolis - Sacker of cities'.
D.T. Potts, '"Glamping" in the Achaemenid empire - The tent of the great king'


Manon Henzen, 'Clay tablet recipes - Mesopotamian lamb stew'.
Arienne King, 'An Egyptian goddess among Olympians - The cult of Isis in ancient Greece'.
Alana N. Newman, 'Cultivating the royal persona - Arsinoë II as the people's queen'.
Lindsay Powell, 'The boy made god revived - Ave, vive, Antinoe!'.
Angela Pisani, 'Ancient history book reviews - Mythos'.

Ancient History Magazine

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