
Jan 31, 2019

Building #1 from Wulfshéade Miniatures

Here's a couple pics of the Building #1 printed and assembled.

I might separate the "lattice" parts form the sides, since the support material made the edges a bit rough and hard to clean.

But otherwise it looks great. I'll take better pictures for the Kickstarter with a proper backdrop (not the library!).

The miniatures at the bottom are 15mm ClearHorizon Miniatures Helldiver models so you can get an idea of it's scale when printed for 15mm models.

You can scale it up or down as well, for use with 6m, 10mm, 20mm on up.

Building #1

Building #1 picture 1

Building #1 picture 2

Building #1 picture 3

Wulfshéade Miniatures

Terriers in India: British Territorials 1914-19

Terriers in India: British Territorials 1914-19

Some 50,000 British Territorials served in India during the Great War. Astonishingly, it has taken a century for a book on them to be written.

The Territorials – citizen soldiers, members of a force formed before the war for home defence – never expected to serve abroad, but volunteered for ‘Imperial Service’ at Lord Kitchener’s request. Instead of going to France, in 1914 they went to India, to release Regulars for the front. The Territorials – ‘Terriers’ – became responsible at first for garrison duty, not trusted to fight in Mesopotamia or on the North-West Frontier.

Gradually, they gained the skill to be sent to war, and most of the 41 Territorial battalions sent to India saw active service, in Mesopotamia, in Frontier campaigns, in Aden and in the Third Anglo-Afghan war of 1919. (Territorials were retained in India for up to a year after the Armistice, unhappily.) Terriers in India, based on the abundant but almost untouched holdings of county archives and regimental museums mainly in southern English counties, tells their story for the first time.

It shows how novice citizen soldiers learned to act as sahibs, how they responded to India and its people (often sensitively) and took part in the most dramatic upheaval in British India since the 1857 Mutiny. Terriers in India is a rich mix of social and military history, ranging from cantonment bungalows, bazaars and brothels to sangers on the Frontier and tragic actions on the Tigris; battles in which the Terriers played a full part.

Jan 30, 2019

No Demons Were Harmed from Dancing Yak Miniatures

No Demons Were Harmed from Dancing Yak Miniatures

No demons were harmed in the making of this

Another little update to hold you over. This monstrosity has been sorely needed. No pun was harmed in making this. Just rough concept art for the 10mm and 28mm Demon Asscannon.

Dancing Yak Miniatures

Cromwell's Women

Oliver Cromwell, a pivotal and often contentious character, has long been the focus of many historical works that chart his meteoric rise from being a middle-aged farmer from East Anglia with no previous military experience, who rose to command the army and become one of England's greatest generals.

Like him or loath him, Oliver Cromwell is a giant of English history. With a deft hand and strong narrative, Whitehead guides us through the remarkable life and career of Oliver Cromwell from a unique perspective. He explores not only the effect the women in Cromwell's life had on him, but how his career in turn dramatically altered their lives.

We learn of his close relationship with his mother, who lived with him throughout her long life, and of his deep attachment to his wife Elizabeth, who he married at 22 and without whom it is doubtful he would have achieved all he did.

Fighting the French Revolution: The Great Vendee Rising of 1793

Fighting the French Revolution: The Great Vendee Rising of 1793

In 1793 France was facing foreign invasion along its borders and a fierce political war was raging in Paris when a large-scale revolt, centred on the western Department of the Vendee, suddenly erupted, almost bringing the new-born French Republic to its knees.

The immediate trigger for this Great War of the Vendee, barely known outside of France, was the attempted imposition of conscription but the region seethed at the erosion of its traditional values and way of life. The persecution of the Catholic Church and killing of the king symbolized to the Vendeens how dangerous the new Republic had become; in a matter of weeks tens of thousands had flocked to fight for the 'Catholic and Royal' cause.

This is the story of the new Republic's ferocious military campaigns against the armies of the Vendee, which fiercely defied them between March and December 1793, tying down hundreds of thousands of troops desperately needed on the frontiers. Napoleon later called it 'The War of Giants' and it directly led to the implementation of some of the Republic's most extreme laws.

Painted WWII German - Vehicles from Pendraken Miniatures

Painted WWII German - Vehicles from Pendraken Miniatures

We've asked Jason at J.A.D Designs to move on to our other WWII ranges recently, so that we've got some photo'd codes for every nation and folks can get an idea of what they'll be buying.  First up we've had these Panzer I's and II's, along with some of the Tigers.

Jason does fantastic work and his website can be found here: http://www.quarks-bar.co.uk/

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Painted WWII Soviet - Vehicles from Pendraken Miniatures

Painted WWII Soviet - Vehicles from Pendraken Miniatures

We've asked Jason at J.A.D Designs to move on to our other WWII ranges recently, so that we've got some photo'd codes for every nation and folks can get an idea of what they'll be buying.  We'll continue adding to this thread as we get more done.

Jason does fantastic work and his website can be found here: http://www.quarks-bar.co.uk/

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Jan 29, 2019

1809 Warsaw Sculpts from Pendraken Miniatures

Batch 3 of our 1809 Not-Kickstarter has arrived and this month it's the Warsaw sculpts!  We've got the previous 2 sets master moulded so we'll be moving on to the production moulds once we get past the Vapnartak show this coming weekend.  We're roughly on track for starting to ship these towards the end of February as planned.


Command - 2 x Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer:

Command - 2 x Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer:

Infantry - Fusilier x 2 march attack / 2 x firing / Elite Co x 2 march attack / 2 x firing:

Infantry - Fusilier x 2 march attack / 2 x firing / Elite Co x 2 march attack / 2 x firing:

Infantry and Art - Grenadiers x 2 / Line artillery crew x 4:

Infantry and Art - Grenadiers x 2 / Line artillery crew x 4:

Horse Art - Horse artillery crew x 4:

Horse Art - Horse artillery crew x 4:

Uhlans - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Uhlans - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Uhlan Elites and Art - 2 x Uhlan Elites / Horse artillery crew x 4:

Uhlan Elites and Art - 2 x Uhlan Elites / Horse artillery crew x 4:

So with these all done we've only got the Wurttemburgers left to be done!  We'll have those with us soon and we'll get ready to crack on with the production.

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

Dancing Yak Miniatures Announces

We are pleased to announce that we and Admiralty Miniatures have agreed to support each other's projects . We will be using/supporting the use of some of their finest 28mm models as an alternative to ours and some like the hobgoblin slave drivers will be paired with our goblins. Feel free to wait till everything's out. or if you got the CD & ID bug there are some great things to hold you over till the kickstarter.

Admiralty Miniatures

Dancing Yak Miniatures

10mm Zulu Roundavel from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

New 10mm Zulu Roundavel from Battlescale Wargame Buildings

10mm Zulu Roundavel

10mm Zulu Roundavel picture 1

Battlescale Wargame Buildings

Jan 28, 2019

Dancing Yak Miniatures Announces

We are proud to announce we have been approved and are now a cooperating company with The Ninth Age!

The Ninth Age!

Dancing Yak Miniatures

Two More Gunner Poses from Dancing Yak Miniatures

Hi all just thought we should give you a slight update. Two more gunner poses have been completed. we have added armor and new hats to them also.

Two More Gunner Poses

Two More Gunner Poses picture 1

Two More Gunner Poses picture 2

On another note we have finished our Great Taurus. We also have completed many more hats and weapon sculpts and are working on the heroes as we speak.

Please stay tuned for much more 10mm and 28mm goodies to come. On a final note my fellow creator and I will have much more time available very soon. so expect more frequent updates. Cheers

Dancing Yak Miniatures

Jan 27, 2019

New Democracy Armour for Bot War from Traders Galaxy

The recovering Democracy, while loosely allied with the Valiants, does not fully trust Bots. Therefore they have not added Bot Technology into their forces like Atlantica or Snake Corp have. Instead they favour heavy tanks for the heavy lifting and stealth for everything else.

Democracy special forces teams are holding their own in the Bot War!

New Democracy Armour

New Democracy Armour picture 1

New Democracy Armour picture 2

New Democracy Armour picture 3

New Democracy Armour picture 4

New Democracy Armour picture 5

Traders Galaxy

Announcement Bot War, from Traders Galaxy

Announcement Bot War, from Traders Galaxy

I just wanted to clarify direction and upcoming development strategy of Bot War for those wondering. But first a disclaimer. Much of what follows is general and some dates etc may change.

1. I feel the 1st edition of the game has gone well and I planned on updating this later on in the year. However I also feel that the 1st Edition no longer aligns with how I see the game in a years time. Therefore I am looking to release 2nd Edition Bot War some time around Easter. Much has already been done rules wise. However this rulebook will have background and some artwork as well. Establishing the “universe” is important to the longevity of any game. Almost every stat card has had updates to align with the new rules and I am holding these updates until the rules release.

The core mechanics will not change. Obviously there are additional special rules and powers and well as additional rules for infantry, hordes and transports. Also additional scenarios. (Anyone with the game who wants to submit their own scenario please send it through for review :))

2. I still hope to slow development this year to half speed and as complexity increases this naturally happens.

There is a new format for model development.
Models will still be sold in 3s however those 3 models will be almost completely interchangeable (same connection sizing across the whole new range). Furthermore with every 3 models 6 different heads and at least 8 arms are made. It is undecided if all 6 heads will make it into the packs. More important models will have many options and will be sold as singles.

As yet I am unsure which models will be discontinued and when. Once known I will give plenty of warning so don’t panic yet. Valiants will start first with “classic” General Duke probably around Easter or after Easter. It’s important to note that there is not a huge push to discontinue models. As development focuses on the different factions it will happen naturally.

Overtime as outlined above all these will disappear or be replaced -
All deceiver Air Warriors

I still plan on releasing Overlords this year as I feel it’s important to at least get a small wave of them out there.

The 2019 loose development list is as follows - new duke (replacing current duke)
- 6 new Valiants in one V8 Set (new not replacements)
- 6 new Deceivers in one D9 Set (new not replacements)
- Transports for Atlantica and Democracy
- 2 other new vehicles for democracy
- overlords

On top of this I’d love to release a plastic buildings set which is being worked on.

I am still toying with the idea of an army list type guide to add some structure around army selection to help balance forces for more competitive play. I have actually half written one however it’s a massive tedious task and I am unsure if it will ever complete.

My goals for this year are to complete a city board. Get to 100 followers on Instagram. Hit 400 Facebook group members of which 25% are engaged. Of those 25 I’d like 2 more moderators to help answer important game stuff. Have 8 playable factions and 1 subfaction. Update packaging with race specific labelling ensuring packaging displays well in game stores.

Traders Galaxy

Jan 25, 2019

Snowplow Dump Truck from GHQ

Some customers have mentioned that we haven't highlighted any N-Scale (1/160th) models in a long time. And they are right! We thought that this one may be very appropriate for many around this time of the year. This is the same model that got voted the N-Scale Vehicle of the Year when it was released!

Snowplow Dump Truck

Snowplow Dump Truck

What N-Scale vehicles would you like to see GHQ release? We have a few new ones that will be out in the near future!

GHQ Models

Demon Update from Black Gate Miniatures

Demon update.

I am now in a position to start sharing where the preparation is at for the Kickstarter due to start next month.

Demon Update picture 1

Demon Update picture 2

Demon Update picture 3

First up are a couple of pictures of the test sculpt for the 10mm Demons based on the concept art. He is pictured next to an 18mm Black Gate Ogre Cannoneer. Robi Baker has done an amazing job as always.

The miniature has been mastered, and sent out for painting.

Next up, is the art for the main infantry unit. I don't want to spoil it all at this stage, but they look great and the unit will have at least 13 different sculpts including a banner and musician. I am in awe of how talented Christian Schwager is. You can see a couple of the future miniatures with a 10mm human for scale in the third picture.

I am truly excited to be able to try and bring Demons to Warmaster. Bring on Feb 2019.

Demons forever!


Black Gate Miniatures