
Jan 29, 2019

1809 Warsaw Sculpts from Pendraken Miniatures

Batch 3 of our 1809 Not-Kickstarter has arrived and this month it's the Warsaw sculpts!  We've got the previous 2 sets master moulded so we'll be moving on to the production moulds once we get past the Vapnartak show this coming weekend.  We're roughly on track for starting to ship these towards the end of February as planned.


Command - 2 x Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer:

Command - 2 x Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer:

Infantry - Fusilier x 2 march attack / 2 x firing / Elite Co x 2 march attack / 2 x firing:

Infantry - Fusilier x 2 march attack / 2 x firing / Elite Co x 2 march attack / 2 x firing:

Infantry and Art - Grenadiers x 2 / Line artillery crew x 4:

Infantry and Art - Grenadiers x 2 / Line artillery crew x 4:

Horse Art - Horse artillery crew x 4:

Horse Art - Horse artillery crew x 4:

Uhlans - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Uhlans - 3 x command / 2 x troopers:

Uhlan Elites and Art - 2 x Uhlan Elites / Horse artillery crew x 4:

Uhlan Elites and Art - 2 x Uhlan Elites / Horse artillery crew x 4:

So with these all done we've only got the Wurttemburgers left to be done!  We'll have those with us soon and we'll get ready to crack on with the production.

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Pendraken Miniatures

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