
Dec 16, 2018

New 10mm 1809 Saxon Sculpts from Pendraken Miniatures

The next batch of sculpts arrived for our 1809 Not-Kickstarter this past week so we've now got the Saxons!  As with the Hesse sculpts, these are going straight into master moulds so that we can get a headstart on the production moulds and have everything ready to ship out to you in February.


Line infantry - Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer / 2 x march attack / 2 x firing line:

Line infantry - Mounted officer / officer / standard / drummer / 2 x march attack / 2 x firing line:

Grenadiers - Officer / drummer / 2 x march attack.  Schutzen - Officer / hornist / 2 x march attack / 2 x firing line:

Grenadiers - Officer / drummer / 2 x march attack.  Schutzen - Officer / hornist / 2 x march attack / 2 x firing line:

Light cavalry - Officer / standard / musician / 2 x troopers:

Light cavalry - Officer / standard / musician / 2 x troopers:

Hussars - Officer / standard / musician / 2 x troopers:

Hussars - Officer / standard / musician / 2 x troopers:

Artillery - 4 x crew.  Limber team - Ridden horse / officer:

Artillery - 4 x crew.  Limber team - Ridden horse / officer:

There'll be a break in the sculpting over Christmas but we'll be back to it with the Warsaw sculpts in the New Year!

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