
Nov 6, 2018

VainGlorious France 1940 Rules

VainGlorious France 1940

VainGlorious France 1940 Recreate the events of May 10th to June 22nd 1940 with these classically styled but neatly tweaked rules.

My niche France 1940 WW2 solo-friendly rules are out now (after much gnashing of teeth) on Wargame Vault. Hope you like the look of them, been in use for several years in 6mm so they'll be fine in 10mm. Have been slowly adding to & tweaking them for yonks

Works with all figure scales
Suits battles between a few platoons of infantry and tanks
Hit & damage rolled into one
Simultaneous & alternating phases where appropriate
Data tables use vehicle & weapon specifications
Uses percentage dice or equivalent
Covers Belgian, British, Dutch, French & German materiel
Random events and other solo-friendly mechanics
Includes Bulson scenario and Stonne mini-campaign
Free quick reference pdf file available with both softcover & hardback print books.

VainGlorious France 1940 Downloads


Les Hammond
Wargame Vault

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