
Nov 11, 2018

Slingshot 321

Slingshot 321

Slingshot 321 with the printers and will appear shortly.

Here is a list of the contents:

The debate continues on Egyptian chronology whilst readers examine How Hard does a Horse Hit and Wargaming War Wagons from Issue 320.

Procopian Warfare
Roy Boss examines the armies and fighting styles of the era of Justinian to see if there is a commonality.

A Different Take on Taginae
Chris Hahn wargames the small but important pre-battle skirmish in which a body of Gothic cavalry attempted to force a passage through Roman infantry to the Roman rear. The article is accompanied by diagrams giving an overview of the main battle itself.

Fun Fighting Fives at Falkirk
David Knight plays Roman-Pictish skirmishes at Big Roman Day at Falkirk against 5-year-olds - and gets trounced by one of them!

Argentoratum, AD 357
Patrick Waterson examines the battle between Julian and Chnodomar of the Alamans to see how well-merited Julian's reputation for generalship really was.

The Society Championship Needs You
Denis Grey describes how the Society's annual Championship works.

Slingshot Figures Reviews
28mm Carroballista by Warbases, 28mm Late Medievals and 15mm Parthians by Irregular Miniatures

Slingshot Book Reviews
Empire State: How the Roman Military Built an Empire
The Komnene Dynasty
Triumph! Ruleset


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