
Nov 29, 2018

Project Update #2: Mythos of Legends Kickstarter, brought to you by The World of Lardello

Project Update #2: Mythos of Legends Kickstarter, brought to you by The World of Lardello

Hi everybody, It’s become clear that our Kickstarter Campaign has failed to get off the ground so we’re going to pull the plug now. Clearly we’ve not approached things quite right to generate the momentum we needed. We’re going to take stock and then re-emerge with a fresh strategy. Rest assured that this isn’t the end of our quest to launch this game. Please stay tuned for further announcements – your support has meant a lot to us and we’d love it if you’re still on board for our eventual release. Please keep in touch with Mythos of Legends and facebook Mythos of Legends for more info. Thanks!

The World of Lardello

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