
Nov 30, 2018

News from Hysterical Games

News from Hysterical Games

Unfortunately we have some bad news.

Over the last few weeks it has become clear that Hysterical Games is facing a major cash flow problem and that we are now only left with the option of winding the company up. Exactly how we will do this has yet to be decided.

To say we are gutted is an understatement, the sudden nature of how this has swept up on us is still very hard to believe.

We are looking at various options at the moment and we are looking at ways for our games to continue. We believe the games and background are good enough to survive and going forward can flourish, the problems that have arisen are largely from other parts of the business.

We appreciate you will have lots of questions but trust you will appreciate that we will probably not have any answers for them at the moment and need to concentrate our efforts on seeing what can be done to salvage the game and sort out other problems, so please bear with us and excuse any immediate radio silence.

The webstore is closed and we cannot take any new orders at the moment.

Hopefully this is just a (rather large) bump in the road and that soon it will be behind us and we will be driving ever forward.

Hysterical Games

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