
Nov 10, 2018

New Dropzone Scenery Available Now from TTCombat

Bunkers, academies, and buildings, oh my! We have another set of buildings designed for your games of Dropzone Commander available on our store!

Leviathan District

Leviathan District

When there's a bunch of big stompy robots milling around your neighbourhood you need some sturdy buildings to hide in. That's rule 1 of robot fight club, rule 2 is don't get anywhere near robot fight club.

Gothic inspired with 2 long buildings, one large cross building, and 4 shipping containers, this set is a great addition to your games of Dropzone Commander or Adeptus Titanicus.

Made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard, this kit stands at 8cm high and is perfect for games of Adeptus Titanicus, but will work perfectly with any similar scale games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results.

Nuova Apartments

Nuova Apartments

Stylish. Sophisticated. Modern. The Nuova Apartments provides high quality, high density housing to those of all levels of income. Coming in pre-fabricated parts that are easy to assemble on-site with all amenities as standard you'll be able to expand your real estate empire to lands unknown. Hardened against weather, geological activity, as well as heavy artillery Nuova Apartments is a stand out choice amongst weaker competitors.

Designed to be quick to assemble, the Nuova Apartments goes together in a matter of minutes and can be disassembled and packed flat if required. Coming with a pair of billboards that can be used on top of buildings or as scatter terrain the Nuova Apartments makes a great addition to any Dropzone Commander board.

Made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard, this kit stands at 8cm high and is designed for games of Dropzone Commander, but will work perfectly with any similar scale games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results.

Ferrite Command Base

Ferrite Command Base

An up-scaled command tower from a Ferrum, featuring even more up-scaled tea making facilities. Underground storage tanks can store over 2 million litres of water, while store rooms house over 30 different types of tea. Staff are on hand 24 hours a day to provide fresh tea to the brave UCM soldiers at the head of the reconquest.

This armoured command centre is quick to assemble and provides a great building to garrison your UCM troops in, or a great building to taunt your UCM opponents from.

Made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard, this kit stands at 8cm high and is designed for games of Dropzone Commander, but will work perfectly with any similar scale games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results.

Tyrosus Building

Tyrosus Building

Some say you can drop a ship from orbit onto a Tyrosus Building and still be safe and sound within its confines. Although no human is able to verify these claims the Scourge seem to do very little to modify these buildings in occupied territory.

Originally designed as an armoured fortress capable of receiving high ranking dignitaries via helicopter or flying car. With an innovative fly-through runway the building uses its bulk to protect its occupants while they exit their vehicles. While it did it's job as a fortified bunker during the Scourge invasion, it may have performed too well, keeping its occupants safe from danger, at least until the Scourge cut their way into the armoured core of the building.

This building is HUGE and we would recommend using this as a linked structure of 8 small hardened outer buildings, and a single large hardened building in the centre. This building is a great centrepiece to fight over and looks imposing, even next to taller buildings.

Made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard, this kit stands at 8cm high and is designed for games of Dropzone Commander, but will work perfectly with any similar scale games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results.

Academy Building

Academy Building

They say knowing is half the battle and with the Academy Building you can know twice as much in half the time! Featuring patented direct to brain learning you can download entire textbooks into your mind with only a fraction of the time, effort, and danger of traditional learning methods. With only a 4.26% chance of fatality, now is the time to learn something new! Finance options available.

Featuring acrylic walkways and multiple levels, this building is the perfect for a heavily contested objective. With an absurd amount of roof space and access points there's plenty of room for infantry bases all over this building.

10mm scale. Made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard, the kit is designed for games of Dropzone Commander, but will work perfectly with any similar scale games.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results.


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