
Nov 10, 2018

Mythos of Legends Kickstarter, brought to you by The World of Lardello

Mythos of Legends is a brand new wargame of high strategy at a small scale, a melting pot of reality, legend and imagination that will all fit on your dining table! Take command of your chosen faction, Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, the warriors of Dark Ages Europe or Eldritch Abominations.

Mythos of Legends

A finely detailed 35mm scale deity model strides the Mythos Board, watching upon their mortal followers. The armies clash on the battlefield, 10mm scale soldiers and 15mm scale monsters and heroes of legend, fighting for the favour of the gods.

Deity Model

The novel, strategic game mechanics and varied scale of miniatures result in a wargames system which we believe occupies its own niche in the market.

How Dose It Work

2+ players
90 minutes to 3 hours play time
For all players 14+
Mythos of Legends is a tabletop wargame for two or more players, played using highly detailed metal miniatures.

The game features two distinct game boards – the battlefield where the soldiers fight their bloody battle and the mythos board where the gods manoeuvre for position and apply their influence. The mythos board is one of the main things that makes this game different. It’s a chessboard-like grid of four squares to a side, where each player places their deity model, which has a huge influence over how your army plays.

The game works entirely on four different stats, Wrath, Wisdom, Swiftness and Determination

The game works entirely on four different stats, Wrath, Wisdom, Swiftness and Determination, and the rolls you need to make on a six-sided die to pass your stat checks are determined entirely by which deity you pick – so choose carefully. The deity’s position on the board grants bonus dice to certain rolls and takes away from others, so you’d better position them wisely.

The gods can make divine interventions if they want to take a more hands-on role. On the battlefield, you secretly assign orders to your units in the form of tokens, then the players alternate activating units, revealing what order their unit has been given and carrying it out. This allows for a deep tactical experience, deciding which units are a higher priority to activate first in the turn, or whether you’re hoping for an enemy to move closer before you activate your cavalry to reveal that vital charge order. Success will always depend on great generalship on the battlefield, and shrewd use of your Deity’s position and abilities. Only a player who masters both will truly succeed.

The following GIFs demonstrate the core mechanics. They've all been given frame numbers in the bottom corner, in case you come to one halfway through. To start from the beginning, just open in a new tab.

The Turn starts by deciding who has Priority:

Then the Gods move about the Mythos Board to grant bonuses to their followers, and have the chance to make Divine Interventions:

The Orders Phase and Activations - Giving and Carrying Out a March Order:

What about charging? How do you fight?

 Finally, Resolution to end the turn.

What Do I Get

There's no fixed box. It's up to you which miniatures and factions you want.

At our base funding level, the Core Rulebook will be available as an A4 Hardback, with the following miniatures available for the Greek and Roman factions:

Base Funding Level Miniatures

If all of these models are going to be available, why can't I see them?

Simple - they haven't been sculpted yet. Part of the reason that we're using Kickstarter for this project is to fund the sculpting and mould making that we require to release a complete range. We've already commissioned a good number of models from our own funds - including a handful of models for stretch goal factions - which we think show the style and quality of the range. Those miniatures are the subject of the photos you see all over this project page. Here's a breakdown of the three model types, from the Greek faction:

Examples Of Miniature Types

 A selection of the metal miniatures with some sense of scale:

These models are being sculpted in the traditional fashion - by hand, in greenstuff before being cast in metal. Sculpting is ongoing - and will be for months if you back us to release the full range we'd like to. Here's some shots of the current work in progress:

Work In Progress Miniatures

The faction rules will be made available online so that we can update them as and when we need to in order to keep the game balanced. As we hit stretch goals, further models and factions will be unlocked! The stretch goal unlocks and a detailed composition of the army sets are shown further down the page. You don’t have to decide which models you want until the campaign is over, but if you want to check back and see which models have unlocked you always have the opportunity to change your pledge if new models are available that you want – and we hope you’ll want them because we think they’re pretty cool.

As we unlock models we’ll add them here for you to select as part of your pledge rewards or add as an Add-On. If you want any of these models as add-ons, simply add the listed price to your pledge amount. So, for example if you have selected the Table for Two pledge level at £125 GBP, which comes with two army sets of your choice, but you actually want three army sets, you'll need to go to the pledge manager and increase your pledge by the listed price of an army set - £50. So your pledge becomes £175.

For a great value Add-on, how about ordering some Reinforcements?

Add On Reinforcements

You'll be surveyed after the campaign ends to determine which models and sets you want to receive. We'll delay the survey as long as we can so that we can bring you photographs of the models as they're sculpted and cast, so that you can make a more informed choice about which ones you'd like. That's also the point where we'll figure out exactly what it will cost to ship your choices to you - see shipping prices further down the page.

So, what models will be available if the project reaches its initial funding goal?


Romans Deities

Roman Legends

Roman Army Republic


Greek Deities

Greek Legends

Greek Army Classical
Stretch Goals

The base funding level lets us launch the games with playable rosters for the Greek and Roman factions, but with more funding we can release even more miniatures and factions.

Stretch Goal £11

Stretch Goal £12

Stretch Goal £13

Stretch Goal £14

Stretch Goal £15

Stretch Goal £15

Stretch Goal £??


Due to the nature of our campaign letting you choose any variety of miniatures as pledge rewards and add-ons, we don't know at this stage just how much metal we'll be shipping to you. If we charged shipping at this stage, we'd have to put in a worst case figure, and nobody wants that.

So instead, your shipping charges will be calculated once you've made your choices of which miniatures you want to receive, based on the mass of the package.

We're aware that some potential backers are wary of projects where you have to pay the shipping fees at a later date, and we fully understand the concerns. That's why we're going to be upfront about them right here.

Our intention is to pick and pack your orders ourselves, and ship using GamesQuest. The price you pay will depend on your location and the total mass of the package or packages.

For a guide, see the following.

Shipping Estimates

Some of these prices may look high but please remember, these are heavy parcels being posted internationally.

How to estimate the weight of your order?

We anticipate the following approximate weights:

Core Rulebook 1kg
Army Set 500g
Deity or Large Legend 50g
Small Legend 30g
Please also bear in mind that the packaging itself will add a little bit of weight too.

The Elephant in the Room: Most of you will be aware that the UK is on course to leave the European Union in March 2019, which is earlier than we expect to fulfil this project. At the current moment in time it's not known what deal, if any, the UK Government will secure with the EU for their future relationship, or indeed what trade and customs relationships the UK will establish with the rest of the world.

You know as much as we do. We can't make any guarantees, however we will do whatever we can to make sure that you, our backers, don't lose out as a result of any increased fees.

While this may affect shipping your rewards and may affect us importing some of the ancillary items for this game, we have deliberately kept all manufacture of the miniatures within the UK and so consequently that aspect of production is unlikely to be affected.

Who Are We

 Before you back a project, you want to know more about the people that are trying to make it. We understand this, we get it. We would want to too.

The World of Lardello have been developing and playtesting the rules for Mythos of Legends for four years and counting. We’re a startup company founded by two friends with a shared love of miniatures and gaming, having first met at university a number of years ago that we don’t quite want to disclose because it makes us feel rather old.

Kris Costello & David Larder

Kris Costello (Lvl 11 Warlord / Lvl 9 Rogue) is the visionary games designer, with a gift for developing new and interesting systems. He’s the driving force behind Mythos of Legends, and a really friendly chap. When he’s not designing games, he’s an academic delivering lectures and working towards a PhD in strategic management.

David Larder (Lvl 12 Technomancer / Lvl 8 Bard) is the writer. An electronic design engineer by day, he uses his technical brain to refine everything that tumbles from Kris’ mind into a concise and watertight ruleset, while also turning his hand to graphics, layouts, music and whatever else is required.

But it takes more than a pair of rules writers and an army of playtesters to make a game. We’re pleased to announce that we’re partnering with Pendraken Miniatures to make this game come to life. Pendraken are an excellent miniatures manufacturer who have been working out of the North East of England for 25 years and counting, and will be familiar with anybody who has a passing interest in 10mm scale historical figures, and more besides.

While Pendraken are casting the miniatures, the original masters are being sculpted the traditional way, by hand in greenstuff by sculpting veteran Phil Lewis, with some models by Mark Evans.

The artwork that you see on this page - and will see in the rulebook - has been painted by our excellent artist Kayleigh Brown. The artwork is all physical in pencil, inks and acrylic paints, and photographed at a high resolution for inclusion online and in print.

Risks and challenges

As a first time project creator intending to deliver a physical product we are well aware of a host of issues we could face in delivering our game.

We have been working towards launching this game for four years now. We're happy that the rules are tight, refined and focused, so we don't anticipate any problems with delivering you a quality ruleset.

During that time we've also investigated many ways of getting this game off the ground, including considering manufacturing ourselves and working with various partners to provide us with the skills that we lack. We've settled into some good productive relationships with parties that we trust to provide us with the services that we need, to a top-notch quality. We really do believe that we have settled on the correct wider team to make this game and miniatures range happen.

Even so, there is always the risk that any of those suppliers could face issues which prevent them from delivering in a timely manner, from time or quality related delays with sculpting and casting to problems printing rulebooks and logistics issues getting it all to you on time. We believe that we are well equipped to deal with these situations, with a wide network of contacts that we can dip into to get things back on track if required.

Most importantly in terms of casting your models, by working with Pendraken Miniatures we have filled a vital cog in the machine with a respected and skilled company who have been casting high quality metal miniatures for 25 years.

Most importantly, we want this game to happen and to arrive in your hands even more than you do. This has been a labour of love, and it's one that we're determined to deliver.

The World of Lardello

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