
Oct 17, 2018

Project Update #8: CAV: Strike Ops III, Kickstarter from Talon Games

With four days to go I thought we could all use a little boost going into the final countdown. While I wish I could figure out a way to have taco's delivered to all of you this fine (albeit chilly) Tuesday, at least in Kansas, I decide to go with adding another CAV to the Core Force Reward, the Duelist, and the Banshee grav tank to the Reward Options.

Pledge Reward $46000

I know we are only half way to the current stretch goal, but I have faith we will push through that one and get to a few more before we wrap this up! Let the positive energy flow and let everyone know we are now at 52 Models for the Core Set (that's less than $2 each)!!!

Ace And Dropship Pilot Pledge Levels



Talon Games

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