
Oct 10, 2018

Not-Kickstarter from Pendraken Miniatures

Not-Kickstarter from Pendraken Miniatures

Several years ago, we used a not-Kickstarter method to produce a new range of Mongols, which went down rather well and helped us put the range into production.  Well we're back for another project and this time we're heading to the Napoleonic period!

We've had several requests for an expansion of our 1809 ranges and we've chatted previously about gathering enough support for us to get them sculpted.  So this project is designed to do just that.  Forum member Zippee (Martin) has really taken the lead on this and helped us put together all of the lists and provided all of the reference material ready for our sculptor to get started.

So how does it work?

- Below is a list of the prospective ranges we'll be putting together, with the code, a brief description of the contents, and the price.

- If you would be interested in any of these items, please check through the list, and work out what you would purchase.

- Make a post here, stating what you would buy, such as 2 x NHD1, 2 x NDW3, etc.

- We'll total up your order and add you to the pledge list.

- If we have hit our target by midnight on October 31st, everyone who has pledged will be invoiced for 50% of your order.  Our sculptor will be given the go-ahead and we'll get them done through Nov/Dec/Jan.  We'll then get them moulded and start sending out customer orders at the end of February 2019.  Everyone will be invoiced for the remaining 50% + shipping once their order is ready to go.

What's the target?

We're looking to raise purchases over £3000 in total to allow us to start production.  This money is purely to cover the sculpting costs, we would then take on the cost of moulding and casting the orders at this end.  The range would be sculpted by Tony Q, the same sculptor who has done all of our 1809 and 1812-15 Nap ranges, so they would match perfectly with those other figures.

If we break through our £3000 target, we will start to add some bonuses for everyone, such as limbers or civilian packs, some personalities maybe, or even a discount on everyone's orders.

The ranges:

Hesse Darmstadt
NHD1    Line/fusilier, march attack   £5.25
NHD2    Line/fusilier, firing line   £5.25
NHD3    Line/fusilier command   £5.25
NHD4    Mounted officers (5)    £1.75
NHD5    Chevaux-Legers   £5.25
NHD6    6pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew (3)   £5.25
NHD7    7” Howitzers (Nap Austrian) with crew (3)   £5.25

NSA1    Line infantry, march attack   £5.25
NSA2    Line infantry, firing line   £5.25
NSA3    Line command   £5.25
NSA4    Grenadiers, inc. command   £5.25
NSA5    Schutzen, inc. command   £5.25
NSA6    Mounted officers (5)    £1.75
NSA7    Light cavalry   £5.25
NSA8    Hussars   £5.25
NSA9    8pdr guns (SYW) with crew (3)   £5.25
NSA10  8” Howitzers (SYW) with crew (3)   £5.25

Duchy of Warsaw
NDW1    Line/fusiliers, march attack   £5.25
NDW2    Line/fusiliers, firing line   £5.25
NDW3    Line/fusiliers command   £5.25
NDW4    Line Elites (Grenadier), march attack, inc. command (16)    £2.80
NDW5    Line Elites (Volt/Gren), firing line, inc. command (16)    £2.80
NDW6    Mounted officer (5)    £1.75
NDW7    Uhlans   £5.25
NDW8    Uhlan Elites (Cool    £2.80
NDW9    6pdr (SYW) with foot crew (3)   £5.25
NDW10   6pdr (SYW) with horse crew (3)   £5.25
NDW11   7” Howitzer (SYW) with foot crew (3)   £5.25
NDW12   7” Howitzer (SYW) with horse crew (3)   £5.25

NWU1    Line/fusilier, march attack   £5.25
NWU2    Line/fusilier, firing line   £5.25
NWU3    Line/fusilier command   £5.25
NWU4    Leichtes, inc. command   £5.25
NWU5    Mounted officers (5)   £1.75
NWU6    Grenadiers, inc. command   £5.25
NWU7    Jager, inc. command   £5.25
NWU8    Chevaux-Leger   £5.25
NWU9    Jager zu Pferd   £5.25
NWU10    6pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew   £5.25
NWU11    12pdr guns (Nap Austrian) with crew   £5.25
NWU11    7pdr Howitzers (Nap Austrian) with crew   £5.25

All packs contain 15 cavalry or 30 foot, priced at £5.25 per pack, unless otherwise stated.

So, that's everything.  If there are any questions, just let us know and we'll get them answered.  And of course, please spread this around anyone that you think might be interested in these ranges and push them this way.  The more interest and purchases that we can get, the more chance that these figures will reach production!

Forum Discussion
Pendraken Miniatures

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