
Oct 23, 2018

New 10mm Fantasy Ophidians from Eureka Miniatures

For those of you who like your Fantasy on a smaller yet grander scale, Alan Marsh presents the Ophidians with their slithering and flying troops, as well as a giant armoured beast for them to mount or as an intimidating centrepiece for your force.

Ophidian Imperial Guard Elite 400FAN049

Ophidian Imperial Guard Elite 400FAN049

Ophidian Pythogres 400FAN050

Ophidian Pythogres 400FAN050

Ophidian Heroes 400FAN051

Ophidian Heroes 400FAN051

Ophidian Archers 400FAN052

Ophidian Archers 400FAN052

Ophidian Spears 400FAN053

Ophidian Spears 400FAN053

Ophidian Slithery 400FAN054

Ophidian Slithery 400FAN054

Ophidian Fluttery 400FAN055

Ophidian Fluttery 400FAN055

Ophidian Armoured Beast 400FAN056

Ophidian Armoured Beast 400FAN056

Eureka Miniatures

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